Video 12 min 39”
Location video: Teatro Politeama Garibaldi, Palermo
Location performance: GAM, Palermo
Courtesy di Galleria Francesco Pantaleone
Photo courtesy Alessandro Di Giugno
THE CIRCLE è un’opera visionaria e dirompente che sovverte ogni regola, che mette in discussione con lucida consapevolezza ogni certezza sulla storia e sulla natura umana; un lavoro che insinua dubbi e sagaci riflessioni sulla valenza sociale del potere nelle sue distorsioni. Cruda e tagliente ironia che porta l’osservazione al paradosso fino a rendere immagini memorie e simboli come svuotati di ogni significato, annientati dalla loro stessa prepotenza.
Quest’opera è stata presentata in occasione della mostra MY OWN WARGUARDA LA MOSTRA MY OWN WAR
Video 12 min 39”
Location video: Politeama Garibaldi Theatre, Palermo
Location performance: GAM, Palermo
Courtesy of Francesco Pantaleone Contemporary Art
Photo courtesy Alessandro Di Giugno
Longo in her performance represents the ambiguous figure of the dictator, her clothing was designed and created by the stylist Vincent Billeci, and amplifies the majesty of a powerful and grotesque act. Analogous to a circle of the history of humanity, the figure of the dictator is repeated, from whom a wolf becomes a prey. The disharmonic “rambling speech” of the artist, recited in different languages and accompanied by the original music of Francesco Maria Gallo, reinterprets the famous speeches of the dictators of the nineteen hundreds, from Stalin to Hitler. The observers are interfaces that wear a mask/ morphing of eleven historical figures of dictators, and among the bleats they are transformed from sheep (mask with resemblance of the artist) into a dictator, overturning with an ironic and cruel game the very sense of the whole reasoning.
This artwork was exhibited for the first time on the occasion of the exhibition MY OWN WARSEE THE EXHIBITION MY OWN WAR