MY OWN BUNKER, still da video

THE CIRCLE, pittura acrilica su tela, 30x30 cm/acrilic painting on canvas, 30x30cm

MY OWN WAR, 2014
Gam, Palermo

MY OWN WAR è un’opera visionaria e dirompente che sovverte ogni regola, che mette in discussione con lucida consapevolezza ogni certezza sulla storia e sulla natura umana; un lavoro che insinua dubbi e sagaci riflessioni sulla valenza sociale del potere nelle sue distorsioni.
Cruda e tagliente ironia che porta l’osservazione al paradosso fino a rendere immagini memorie e simboli come svuotati di ogni significato, annientati dalla loro stessa prepotenza. Come in un cerchio, circolo vizioso della storia dell’umanità, la figura del dittatore diventa preda, THE CIRCLE.
L’artista-performer interpreta diversi dittatori del 900 da Stalin a Hitler, in lingua originale, tra i belati di un pubblico che diventerà dittatore esso stesso. Le musiche originali sono state scritte da Francesco Maria Gallo. La maschera del dittatore è un morphing degli 11 dittatori più feroci dell’ultimo secolo, il cappotto marziale realizzato appositamente dallo stilista Vincent Billeci per la performance. Il simbolo utilizzato è anch’esso sintesi di alcuni simboli di dittature nel mondo.

Opere in mostra:
, 2014
Performance e videoinstallazione
GAM Galleria d’arte moderna di Palermo
Complesso monumentale Sant’Anna

Installazione che invade il "contesto" architettonico, modificandolo, ribaltando le prospettive, e avvalendosi di linguaggi meditati dall’artista, riproposti come fuga dal superfluo, rinascita a nuove forme del significare. Un'impalcatura ideologica in cui alterna azione e riflessione, visione e movimento, creando un'esperienza senza dubbio sensoriale e inaspettata che spiazza fino a creare un disorientamento che prelude al cambiamento.  


Installazione, Performance e videoinstallazione realizzata con pannelli e maschere double faces, un lato argento e l’altro con l’immagine morphing dell’artista e una pecora
Gli abiti utilizzati per le performances sono di Vincent Billeci per Loredana Longo
L’anello in oro e smalto cloisonnè

THE CIRCLE è un’opera visionaria e dirompente che sovverte ogni regola, che mette in discussione con lucida consapevolezza ogni certezza sulla storia e sulla natura umana; un lavoro che insinua dubbi e sagaci riflessioni sulla valenza sociale del potere nelle sue distorsioni. Cruda e tagliente ironia che porta l’osservazione al paradosso fino a rendere immagini memorie e simboli come svuotati di ogni significato, annientati dalla loro stessa prepotenza.


FLOOR#5 triangle shirtwaist fire, 2012
146 mattonelle di cemento e camicie bianche bruciate
48x48x3 cm ognuna


FREEDOM,  2014
Velluto nero, tavole, libri, luci, file audio
1000x70 cm


MY OWN WAR, 2014

is a visionary and explosive work that overturns every rule, which questions with clear awareness every certainty on history and on human nature; a work that insinuates doubts and sagacious reflections on social value and power in its distortions. Raw and cutting irony that bring observation to paradox making images, memories and symbols stripped of every meaning, annihilated by their own arrogance.
Longo in her performance represents the ambiguous figure of the dictator, her clothing was designed and created by the stylist Vincent Billeci, and amplifies the majesty of a powerful and grotesque act. Analogous to a circle of the history of humanity, the figure of the dictator is repeated, from whom a wolf becomes a prey. The disharmonic “rambling speech” of the artist, recited in different languages and accompanied by the original music of Francesco Maria Gallo, reinterprets the famous speeches of the dictators of the nineteen hundreds, from Stalin to Hitler.  The observers are interfaces that wear a mask/ morphing of eleven historical figures of dictators, and among the bleats they are transformed from sheep (mask with resemblance of the artist) into a dictator, overturning with an ironic and cruel game the very sense of the whole reasoning.

Video installation, photos
GAM Galleria d’arte moderna di Palermo
Antiaircraft bunkers, monument complex Sant’Anna

The installation deconstructs the architectural “context”, modifying it, overturning perspectives, and using languages mediated by the artist, re-suggested as an escape from excess, and rebirth to new forms of meaning. An ideological framework in which there is an alternating of action and reflection, vision and movement, creating without a doubt a sensory and unexpected experience that creates disorientation introducing change. With this work, for the first time there is an invasion of the hidden spaces, the antiaircraft bunkers beneath the Modern Art Gallery of Palermo, in which the artist recreates a small bunker, a small private space that he fills with more or less close memories, landscapes of the soul. Reality or dreams crumble with an explosion that is repeated to infinity in the space, in which the only shade of color is the red dress (designed and created by Vincent Billeci), which brings back to the present.


Performance and video installation
Site installation made by different panels, variable dimensionse and double faces masks
The dresses used during the performance have been realized  by Vincent Billeci
Gold ring and cloisonné enamel

Longo in her performance represents the ambiguous figure of the dictator, her clothing was designed and created by the stylist Vincent Billeci, and amplifies the majesty of a powerful and grotesque act. Analogous to a circle of the history of humanity, the figure of the dictator is repeated, from whom a wolf becomes a prey. The disharmonic “rambling speech” of the artist, recited in different languages and accompanied by the original music of Francesco Maria Gallo, reinterprets the famous speeches of the dictators of the nineteen hundreds, from Stalin to Hitler. The observers are interfaces that wear a mask/ morphing of eleven historical figures of dictators, and among the bleats they are transformed from sheep (mask with resemblance of the artist) into a dictator, overturning with an ironic and cruel game the very sense of the whole reasoning.


FLOOR#5 triangle shirtwaist fire, 2012
146 cement tiles and burned white shirts
48x48x3 cm each 


Table covered in black velvet, books, neon, audio file
1000x70 cm